Our Youth Ministry is rooted in Sunday School, expanded in Youth Groups on Sundays and Wednesdays, and supported through various mission, education, and worship opportunities. Visitors are always welcome at all Sunday School and Youth Group events. Sunday School will resume in the fall.
Sunday School
6th and 7th Grades
Our 6th and 7th Graders gather for high energy and interactive experiences designed to engage youth in meaningful opportunities to explore their faith. Students build an understanding of how God’s word fits into the life of a middle schooler and discover ways to connect with faith, friends … LIFE. Breakfast Fellowship kicks off this class in Room 206 taught by Dana and Doug Moore.
8th Grade (Confirmation)
This class allows students to spend a full school year exploring the issues regarding professing one's faith in Jesus Christ. Church membership is always a choice for the student and the parents. The Confirmation Class meets in room 208 and is taught by Heather Jenkins, Bob Spicknall, and other RRPC staff and leaders.
9th - 12th Grades (High School)
This class studies a variety of topics from Bible study and theology to ethics in Christian living. This class meets in room 203 and is taught by Betsy Riopelle. Each year this High School Class with help from the middle schoolers leads Youth Sunday Worship at 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary. You will not want to miss this creative and well prepared worship experience (see more below).
Youth Group
Our Youth Group meets on Sunday and Wednesday evenings as well as other special events. Emails are sent weekly to families with youth. If you need to add your name to the list, middle schoolers should email msyouth@rrpcusa.org, and high schoolers should email hsyouth@rrpcusa.org.
All youth meet for dinner in Saunders Hall at 6:00 p.m. Youth Groups break into middle school and high school age groups from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Both groups balance Bible reflections with fellowship and games. Both groups are led by Youth Ministry Staff.
Join the Youth MInistry Staff for Wednesday Night Supper at 6:00 p.m. in Saunders Hall. Following the supper, gather for check-in and games from 6:45 - 7:30 p.m.
Youth Missions
Each year our youth participate in a week long mission trip with the Appalachia Service Project. To learn more about the upcoming trip, click here.
With over 50 participants divided into 8 teams, our youth and adult leaders accomplished a great deal this summer working on homes in Tennessee.
Youth Sunday
Each year, our High School Class assisted by our middle schoolers lead worship on Youth Sunday. It is an incredible experience for the youth involved and all who worship and encourage these young people in sharing God's word.
Each year our youth work in our Vacation Bible School. This provides our children with young role models as they begin their faith journey. It also gives our youth opportunities for taking on leadership roles within our Christian Education program, sharing their faith, having a meaningful summer service project, and reinforcing the Bible stories and lessons that they have learned along the way.
Fox Ould Scholarship
The Nathaniel Hassell Fox Memorial Scholarship (commonly referred to as the Fox-Ould Memorial Scholarship Fund) was created in 1997, by Mary Jane Ould and her family in honor of what would have been her father's 100th birthday. Mr. Fox greatly influenced Mary Jane and helped guide her in Christian nurture. The following memories of her father led Mary Jane to establish the scholarship fund: his faith in God and dedication to the Church; his commitment to education, evidenced chiefly by his satisfaction in seeing his five children graduate from college; his strong dedication to family, especially as he raised five children after the death of both of his wives; and his commitment to the community in his lifelong home of Roxboro, North Carolina. Knowing the value long placed on education in the Presbyterian Church, Mary Jane desired to establish a lasting memorial in honor of her father. It is Mary Jane's wish that through this memorial scholarship, an enduring tie will be maintained to her direct descendants as they too cherish the memory of Nathaniel Hassell Fox. Applicants are evaluated in two areas, evidence of their Christian commitment and demonstration of serious intent with regard to studies. Applications are available here and are due by May 1, each year. Please email your completed application or return to the Endowment Trustee mailbox in the office workroom.