Forks & Fellowship

Forks & Fellowship is a fun opportunity to host 8-10 people in your home or a venue of your choice. You choose your host month. During the other two months you will attend a gathering in another host's home. You provide the main course at the gathering you host and direct your guests on what to bring. When you are the guest, you bring something for the meal as directed by your host.

The groups rotate each month although paths may cross again depending on participation. Assignments will be sent along with contact information in early December.

Remember ... the BEST conversations happen around the table! We are looking forward to talking with you!

Wednesday Night Suppers

This is a wonderful mid-week opportunity for fellowship, which also is followed by choir rehearsals and often guest speakers or other activities. Activities are provided for children. Sign up now!

May 8, Last Wednesday Night Supper until Fall - Boys Scouts Grill - Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Baked Beans, Potato Chips, Lemonade, and Water
Please join us to help our RRPC Boy Scouts Troop 770.