Wednesday Night Suppers
This is a wonderful mid-week opportunity for fellowship, which also is followed by choir rehearsals and often guest speakers or other activities. Activities are provided for children. Suppers will resume on February 5. Sign up now!
Forks & Fellowship
Please sign up for Forks & Fellowship, an RRPC tradition that will begin again in January 2025. Meeting around the table and breaking bread is one of the best ways to get to know our fellow church members.
How It Works: Please sign up and pick your preferred month to host: January, February, or March. You will have a group of 8-10 at your home. You will provide the main dish, and your guests will bring sides at your direction, such as appetizers, salad, vegetable, dessert, or beverages. You will be invited to two other gatherings at someone else’s home and will bring a side to contribute. A good time will be had by all, guaranteed! An end of the season party will be held in April.
Please sign up by November 18, 2024. You will be notified of your groups in early December. Bon Appetit!