
Presbyterian Campus Ministry at the University of Richmond

We are a part of the campus ministry at the University of Richmond, and we are excited to be available to you!

College is such an amazing time! You are free to explore God’s wonderful world, think deeply about your place in God’s blooming, buzzing creation, make lasting friendships, and discern your vocation in life. The Presbyterian Campus Ministry is here to walk with you during this time. We want to form a campus community where it is safe to ask questions and challenge traditions, as well as learn from the riches of a broad Christian tradition and grow in faith and love. We’ve also got an amazing church congregation that would love to be your church family while you are away from home. 

Upcoming Events:

Check back for more.

Opportunities - 9:00 a.m. Informal Worship Service; 10:00 a.m. Sunday School; 11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship Service.

Please contact the church at 804-740-7083 with questions or if we can be a resource for you. We hope we see you soon!

If you are not yet on our email list and would like to become involved with our campus ministry or want to learn more, please fill out the form below.