Congregational Care Ministry

At River Road Presbyterian Church, you will feel the love and support of a strong church family in both joyful and concerning times. Please reach out in times of joy and of concern.

Pastoral Care

The Pastors at RRPC are available for pastoral care, which includes sharing joys and concerns, health issues, a birth or death in the family as well as discussing spiritual or theological matters. As is true with most pastors, the Pastors of RRPC are not certified and trained professional counselors. They are, however, willing to listen, offer encouragement, provide spiritual insight and perspective, and make appropriate referrals. The Pastors work closely with the Diaconate.

Anyone wishing to gain spiritual comfort, receive home or healthcare facility visits, or receive communion should contact the church at 804-740-7083 during office hours or use the request form below. In the event of a crisis, please dial 804-740-7083 and press #4 then #1 for our concerns line; a Pastor will be in touch as soon as possible. Please do not presume others in the congregation will notify the Pastor for you.

The Diaconate

The Diaconate consists of 10 Deacons. Church members have an assigned Deacon to ask questions, share joys, or contact should a need arise. The current leaders of the Diaconate are Candace Branch and Bob Spicknall.

RRPC Joys and Concerns List

The Joys and Concers List is updated weekly (with permission) and includes joys, concerns, or other news of church members and their families and friends. The list is emailed late on Friday afternoons to current church members. To include a joy or concern, please contact the church office at 804-740-7083, use the form below, or contact your Deacon directly. If you would like to receive prayers but want your concern to remain confidential, please indicate this when you call or on the form below.

Prayer / Concern Request

Your Pastor and your Deacon want to hear from you, and your church family can provide support. You may call the church office at 804-740-7083 or use the form below to submit a request. A Pastor or Deacon will be in touch with you soon.