Presbyterian Women (PW)
PW offers a variety of opportunities for women to share their faith, talents, and interests with others. All women at RRPC are invited and encouraged to attend PW-sponsored activities. Five different circles are available as well as Bible studies and social gatherings. Please contact the church office at 804-740-7083 or by email with any questions.
The Stated Purpose of the Presbyterian Women
Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves: to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study, to support the mission of the church worldwide, to work for justice and peace, and to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (USA) and witnesses to the promise of God's kingdom.
Mission Outreach
The Presbyterian women participate in a number of mission projects including the LAMB's Basket, Reid Elementary School, World Pediatric Project, Henrico Education Foundation, medical benevolences, care packages to Iraq, hygiene kits for disaster relief, pillowcase dresses for Africa, and more.
Circles of women gather at church or in individual homes for fellowship, programs of interest, Bible study, and mission opportunities. Currently, there are four circles. Contact the Circle Coordinator or specific Circle Leaders for more information.
Bible Study - This is a traditional mixture of Bible study, fellowship, and mission. The Bible Study Circle ordinarily meets the first Tuesday of the month.
Literary Circle - Programs are based on pieces of literature with a spiritual component, combined with fellowship and mission. This group usually meets the first Tuesday of the month.
Program Circle - Programs are based on the interests of the group, combined with fellowship and mission. This circle usually meets the first Tuesday of the month.
Evening Circle - Programs are based on the interests of the group, combined with fellowship and mission. The Evening Circle ordinarily meets monthly, but times vary.
PW Sunshine Visitors
Volunteers go out in teams of two to visit women at RRPC who are homebound for a variety of reasons. These are friends visiting friends. There are no obligations involved, and you do not have to be a member of a circle. Although our visitors will be going out each month, we won't be able to visit everyone every month. Homebound members will be called shortly before the team leaves the church to make certain that a visit is convenient.
General Meetings and Special Programs
At Advent and again in the spring, the Presbyterian Women gather for a General Meeting, Program, and refreshments or luncheon.
PW Annual Women's Retreat
The Presbyterian Women once again held the Women's Retreat at Roslyn. The Theme for 2019 was Meeting at the Well led by Jeanne Gay, Interim Pastor at Havenwood Presbyterian Baltimore, Maryland.
PW After Hours
The Presbyterian Women get together at members' homes in the fall, winter, and spring for a fun social evening. This is a wonderful way to better get to know members of your church family. Watch for an invitation in the Latest News email or call the church office at 804-740-7083 to ask to be added to the PW After Hours email list.
RRPC Cookbook
The Presbyterian Women published a new cookbook in 2013, all proceeds of which will benefit women and children. The cookbook, Graceful Gatherings, is currently for sale. Orders can be placed online here or copies can be purchased in the church office.