Sunday School



Childcare is available for infants and preschoolers during both Worship services and Sunday School in room 102 in the Monroe Wells Building. Our nursery is staffed with paid caregivers who provide consistent, comfortable care for our youngest friends so parents can fully participate in Worship and Adult Sunday School. Our childcare staff provides loving care in the infant nursery and balances time on the playground with Bible stories, crafts, and yummy snacks each week for our preschoolers.



Pathways is our Sunday School program for children in Kindergarten through 5th grade. All children begin in the Pathways Room in the Monroe Wells Building at 10:00 a.m. each Sunday. This year’s theme is Becoming Disciples of Christ and Fishers of People. Each week, our Sunday School class will be studying Bible stories, memory verses, the books of the Bible, singing, and learning fish facts all while playing Bible games and doing crafts!

Middle School Sunday School

6th and 7th Grades

Our 6th and 7th Graders gather for high energy and interactive experiences designed to engage youth in meaningful opportunities to explore their faith. Students build an understanding of how God’s word fits into the life of a middle schooler and discover ways to connect with faith, friends … LIFE. Breakfast Fellowship kicks off this class in Room 206 taught by Dana and Doug Moore.


8th Grade (Confirmation)

This class allows students to spend a full school year exploring the issues regarding professing one's faith in Jesus Christ. Church membership is always a choice for the student and the parents. The Confirmation Class meets in room 208 and is taught by Heather Jenkins, Bob Spicknall, and other RRPC staff and leaders.


A nursery is provided in room 102 in the Monroe Wells Building by our trained childcare staff during each worship service for our infants and preschoolers. However, as Jesus welcomed little children, we encourage you to bring your children to Worship. You may want to visit the Children's Library in the Monroe Wells Building beforehand so your child may choose a special book to read. Children are encouraged to attend Informal Worship at 9:00 a.m., and at our Traditional Worship at 11:00 a.m., Worship Bags are provided for pre-readers and readers with Bible-themed worksheets, some drawing paper, and crayons. Also at the Traditional Worship, there is a Time with the Children with a special message from our Director of Christian Education or other adult leader.

Extended Session

During the school year, Extended Session takes place following the Time with the Children during Traditional Worship. Children in Kindergarten through second grade participate in a survey of the Bible using the Spark Story Bible led by our youth volunteers. This engaging Bible for children will be used along with a simple craft and/or some coloring pages and worksheets. Extended Session takes place in the Monroe Wells Building.

Extended Session takes a break during the summer so that we can worship all together as the family of God.  If you need help with ways to keep your child engaged in worship, speak with Shelly Barrick Parsons.

Vacation Bible School

RRPC offers a Vacation Bible School for children from three years old to rising 5th Graders. Vacation Bible School has grown to be a vibrant and exciting week of Christian based learning and adventure for our children and their friends. This program provides excellent opportunities for adult members to share time and talents to ensure a successful program for our church, our children, and the community. We encourage you to join us, get involved, and invite friends during VBS each year. Here are some photos of the most recent Vacation Bible School. Email Shelly Barrick Parsons with any questions.

Vacation Bible School will not be taking place in June of 2020 as planned due to the Covid-19 virus. We will announce any alternative plans once available. Thank you for your interest.

RRPC Summer Kids

Explore, create, and play with RRPC during the summer on Wednesday Mornings. This program is for ages - 2 Years to rising Kindergarten. We invite your child to join us for thematic creative play. Each session offers young children the opportunity to explore God’s amazing creation through stories, art, music, science, drama, and play.

Join Us in Learning

We encourage families with children to get involved in our Christian Education program at River Road Presbyterian to strengthen, and nurture your faith in Jesus Christ.