What does it mean to say we are People of the Book? As Christians, we are led to build a relationship with Jesus through reading God’s word in the Bible and through prayer. The Christian Education Ministry at River Road seeks to guide you in this process by offering tools you can use to study and discern God’s word and to assist you in making the most of your prayer time.
Sunday School
The God and Action and Faith and Family adult Sunday School classes have combined to begin Sharing And Learning Together - the SALT Adult Sunday School Class! Designed for all seasons of life and faith development, the class will explore one of four topics each week: Praying In the News, Acts and the Early Christian Church, Faith and Family, and a book study of Life of the Beloved by Henri Nouwen. Look for more information to come.
Martin B. Williams Adult Bible Class
The class studies the Bible using The Present Word, a PC(USA) curriculum based on the Uniform Lesson Series. This faithful class joins in singing at the beginning of each class followed by sharing the Joys and Concerns of our congregation and prayer. This class is taught by a team of four devoted teachers and meets in Kemp Hall in the basement of the main building, socially distanced and following our Shared Practices.
Thursday Afternoon Bible Study
This groups meets every Thursday afternoon at 1:30 p.m. in Saunders Hall fall through spring. Men and women are invited to join us for a vibrant, engaging study of the Bible. The Teaching Team includes Jack Foley, Jane Sewell, and Linda Thomas.